Church is headed by the Pastor and will be the leader of the church. Pastor will be supported by the elders, deacons & Church Committee.


The Elders will be members who will look primarily after the spiritual aspects of the church. Men with spiritual maturity, strong prayer life & good understanding of the Word of God will be appointed as required in the future and such qualities / behavior will have to be demonstrated by the individual.


Deacons / Leaders will be members serving the church in their practical capacity in various roles such as Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary, Worship Leader, Sunday School In charge & Teachers, Advisor for specific requirement etc. As the church grows more such roles will evolve and appropriate individual will be appointed.


A committee will be formed from the group of appointed deacons / leaders / elders and will handle the administration of the church. As its early days with fewer members, Pastor will function as chair with two positions outlined below as committee.

1. Chairperson:

The chairperson will offer leadership to the council and function under the Pastor on all ongoing matters such as:
* Coordinating and overseeing all committee functions
* Conducting regular council meetings
* Representing officially for all CWOGTC matters

2. Secretary:

The role of the Secretary is as follows:
* Recording of Minutes of the Council Meetings
* Maintaining all other records of the Council

3. Treasurer:

The role of the treasurer is as follows:
* Maintaining Accounts receivables/payables
* Keeping all financial records and Receipts
* Providing account information updates to the CWOGTC periodically
* Arranging for external audit

At a later date when the church grows, Chairman from the Deacons / Elders will be appointed. They will meet once in every 3 months. The committee will evolve as the church grows and it might include division/addition / deletion of roles as required.